Micro loop Hair Extensions
What are micro loop hair extensions?
Our Micro loop hair extensions are real human hair complete with a micro ring connector. A small section of your natural hair is passed through the micro loop, which is then carefully pressed shut securing both the natural and extension together.
Whatever the occasion micro loop extensions provide a safe method of extending hair, with no glue, resins or heat. Modelled by many celebrities this tequnique has become popular for clients wanting permanent extensions.
Why use Micro loops?
- No glue – less allergies and no matting of bonds.
- Effective tried and tested application method.
- Micro loop extensions can be styled tongued and straightened.
Are they Suitable for me?
Not every persons hair is suitable for micro loops. Our free consultation will guide you and consider different factors to establish your hairs suitability. As a guide we recommend the following:
- We recommend that micro-loop hair extensions are not be applied to anyone under the age of 18.
- Hair must be at least 4 inches (10cm) in lenght to be able to extend.
- Hair and scalp must be in good condition.
- Client must have no metal allergies, hair loss or sensitive scalp.
How do I maintain my Micro Loop Hair Extensions?
Once you have had micro loop hair extensions, we recommend that clients should return after a maximum of 2 weeks to have the extensions checked. Salon Brewood provide your first maintenance check free of charge. During a check up, Salon Brewood provide the following:
- Reapplication of individual extensions if required.
- Tightening of the links.
- Shampoo and blow-dry.
- Assessment of the aftercare procedures.
- Checking the condition of the natural hair and links.
After your first maintenance check, we will make recommendations on how often you should visit the salon for maintenance and aftercare.
What should I do at home to help maintain my Micro Loop Hair Extensions?
Never use products containing fruit acids/ citrus, honey or oatmeal / wheat germ as these can cause the hair to become matted.
Cleansing / shampooing:
- Brush hair thoroughly to remove any tangles. Use warm, not hot water to the wet hair.
- Never wash extensions with the hair tipped forwards.
- Apply recommended shampoo to the hair and gently massage into the root area. Stroke the product down to the lenghts and ends. Don’t rub or scrub the mid-lenghts and ends.
- Rinse all products off hair
- After cleansing / shampooing; Apply conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends only and gently stroke through. Do not apply conditioner to the micro links.
- Rinse all product from the hair thoroughly again using warm, not hot water.
- When rinsing, always rinse for longer than normal.
Drying / detangling / finishing:
- Gently squeeze the hair and pat the hair to remove excess moisture
- Never rub the hair using a towel
- Using a soft bristle brush gently work from ends, brushing in a downwards stroke back to the ends, towards the roots. Always support the micro links with one of your hands.
- When drying use only cool or medium heat and speed on the hairdryer and never go to sleep with the hair still wet or damp.
- When sleeping plait the hair loosely
- Avoid swimming with new extensions
- Always use a heat protection spray.
- Ensure the hair is completely dry.
- Don’t use tongs or straighteners on the micro links at the root of the hair as this will damage the link and bulb of the extension.
- No back coming and back brushing as this will cause matting.
I want hair extensions, what next?
Contact us to arrange your free hair extension consultation. You can call us on 01543 897575, contact us on Facebook or by email. Alternatively you can fill in the form below.
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